Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Terry Fox

Dear Parents,
We had the Terry Fox Walk today and I would like to thank the following Moms: Avi's, Sam's, Kate's, Cuan's, and Ryan's. Also thank you to Ewan's nanny and Maya's Grandma for volunteering. As I looked across the gym before we set out I was overwhelmed by all our parental support in this endeavour. It was wonderful to see. As of today we have raised over $15,000.00. The weather co-operated, the sun came out and we all had a great time supporting the Marathon of Hope.
We finished our story on Edward Tulane today and you should take an opportunity to have your child tell you about it.
Yesterday we had a motivational speaker, Jack Park, come in to address the children. He was terrific and really had the children engaged. I read the story on Terry Fox to the children and we talked about everything we learned about in the assembly and how Terry used these strategies ...having a goal and how to reach it by having persistence and never giving up; breaking it down into smaller sections to help you attain it; and having friends help you when the going gets tough.
The children are to come to school on Friday dressed as their favourite hero for an LKS spirit day.
Also, the Scholastic order has gone in and the books should be in by Monday of next week. Thank you so much for placing the orders and I appreciate your patience as we get up and running. Dawn MacKay (Ewan's Mom) has kindly offered to take this job on.
Thank you for your continued support.
Warm Regards,
Jill Seitz

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