Friday, September 16, 2011

News Sept.16th/2011.

Dear Parents,

Our first full week is now over and the children have all worked hard re-adjusting to school rules and routines. I have a delightful class of enthusiastic children! With frequent reminders and lots of encouragement, I am trying to get them to work quietly, independently and responsibly. Some of my children are extremely enthusiastic and often speak out without thinking! Their enthusiasm is infectious, but I am trying to encourage them to settle down, not to wander around the room visiting their friends and to put up their hand before speaking! It will all come in due time! The classroom contract and your support with this is really helping!
In math we have been working on skip counting and number patterns. We will be spending time on graphing next week. We started today with our class birthday graph. I am teaching the children to look carefully at a graph and see what the findings are from it. For example, today we discovered that we have more birthdays in January than any other month. Many of the children did not finish our graphing from this afternoon and will be bringing their work home to finish for homework.
In language we are reviewing and learning about nouns...common nouns and proper nouns. We are also learning to categorize nouns as to whether they are a person, place or thing.
Everyone got perfect today on their spelling test. I threw in two extra words for fun that the children have not studied, but did not count them in their score if they were not spelled properly. We are also learning about what constitutes a proper sentence focusing on capitals and periods. Some of my children are reading Classics and when they are finished
their work they will be learning how to write a book report.
I am reading the classic, The Secret Garden to the children each day after lunch. I alternate it with the Roald Dahl story entitled, The Twits. His writing is quite funny and the children love his stories. If you want to get your child interested in an author, he is definitely a big favourite.
In social studies, we are learning about traditions and celebrations and what each word means. Today I have sent home a letter about Special Person of the Week. Please read it carefully as it explains what is required for the project. I will let you know next week when your child presents.
I am always looking for good children's literature. If you come across a particular book and/or author I would love the name.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend.

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