Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer News

Dear Parents,
June has flown by and the holidays are almost here!! The children have had a great month with all our activities. Harbourfront was a huge success and I would like to thank Eileen de Villa-Choi and Nicole Townsend for volunteering. The children also enjoyed making their Father's Day gift with Jennifer from All Fired Up.
The boys and girls really enjoyed researching their animal projects. Many did a wonderful presentation. It is a good introduction for them to learn how to research, organize and present a project. It is important for them to learn to do the work independently with guidelines from school to prepare them for Grade Three.
I am proud of all the children and it gives me such satisfaction and joy to see how far each and every one of them has come this year. I would love to take this whole class on to Grade Three!!
The Fairy Tale project took rather a long time to complete. I have to commend Jennifer Cooke for taking on the task of editing all the rough copies and organizing all the stories into the lovely books. It was a good lesson for the children to see that once you have written a story it is paramount that you proof read your written copy. Many didn't and as a consequence their story was slightly changed much to their chagrin!! But I explained to them about the whole idea of publishing and how it works. We also spent many lessons on what constituted a Fairy Tale.
Today is Play Day and the children are all excited! Tomorrow is our class party in the afternoon and I would welcome anyone who would like to drop by after 2:30pm. Susan O'Reilly has kindly offered to bring coffee. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my Grade Parents, Susan O'Reilly and Jane Taylor, and my Scholastic Mom, Josette Grech. Thank you all for everything you have done for our class.
In closing, I want to wish you all a very happy and healthy summer. I have had a wonderful year with my Grade Two's and will miss them next year. Please drop by any time to let me know how your child is doing. Thank you again for all your thoughtfulness and support over the year. I truly appreciate it.

Most sincerely,
Jill Seitz

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